Statutory Release (SR) is a mandatory release by law. It is not parole and is not a decision of the Parole Board of Canada (PBC). By law, most offenders (except those serving a life or indeterminate sentence) must be released by the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) with supervision after serving two-thirds of their sentence, if parole has not already been granted. Offenders on SR are required to follow standard conditions which include reporting to a parole officer, remaining within geographic boundaries, and obeying the law and keeping the peace.
The Parole Board can also impose special conditions specific to the offender. In some instances offenders on SR are required to reside in a halfway house or community correctional centre operated by CSC. Statutory release aims to provide offenders structure and support before their sentence expires to improve the chances of their successful reintegration into the community.
Offenders can be returned to custody if they violate their conditions of release or are believed to present an undue risk to the public. CSC can refer SR cases to the Parole Board for detention until the end of the sentence. The Board may, in specific cases where the legal criteria are met, order these offenders to be detained in prison until the end of their sentence.